The Form Operating System

One common platform. A world of advantages.

No matter which division, location, or role, across all of Form Technologies’ companies
we provide a consistently superior experience for everyone who works with us.

That’s because we believe that supporting our businesses
worldwide starts with one thing: a strong foundation.

Ours is built on four pillars—operational excellence, commercial excellence,
administration and people systems, and business planning and strategy.
Combined, they make up the Form Operating System (FOS).
Working together everywhere, to achieve success every day.

Operational Excellence

Delivering the ultimate in precision engineered components is as much about how we work as it is about the finished product. That’s why the Form Operating System has an entire section focused on operational excellence.


From operating safely and reducing scrap to ensuring quality and maximizing performance, it ensures we can deliver on our promise of precision where it matters most to your business.

Commercial Excellence

We understand the need to be clear about the real-world benefits we offer customers—from better designed components to accelerating your time-to-market.

So, as part of the Form Operating System, we’re focusing on how we can demonstrate all the ways we can add value to your business—from initial design to advanced, precision manufacturing. It means you can be confident you made the right choice.

& People Systems

Together, our people and systems are critical to ensuring you get the precision, performance, and expert advice you need. That’s why the Form Operating System places so much focus on how we manage talent and support them with the right business systems.

From maximizing the potential of current employees to developing the next generation of experts, we’re committed to having the right programs, systems, and support to deliver on our promises—no excuses, no compromise.

Business Planning
& Strategy

To deliver precision where it matters most, we need to invest in the technologies and capabilities that matter most to our customers. That’s why within the Form Operating System we have a core component dedicated to planning and strategy.

It means we can develop our business in the way that most benefits yours. Ultimately, it means we can ensure we’re the partner you can rely on to help you meet your manufacturing objectives.